I had NO idea there was a “Slender Man” legend out there
until very recently. It’s excellent and
I wish it was around to terrify me when I was a child! Why wouldn’t I? I think being afraid of alien abductions,
robots, bees, midgets and genetic mishaps has helped form a healthy appreciation for
things around me.
Slender man is a
super thin, tall man with no facial features who wears a black suit; you can
see him in the background of photos with children – because he’s a stalker who
enjoys traumatizing and occasionally abducting children. Genius! I think the idea came from a computer game,
but I’m less interested in that and more interested in the level of creepiness compared
to my own childhood terrors.

Back to Slender
Man... Even as an adult, I’m marginally
afraid I’ll see Slender Man in my photo’s but no longer afraid of bees from
Africa. I’d say Slender Man is slightly
more effective than bees, and extremely more effective than magical Manahoonies
from Hawaii…