Sunday, May 31, 2015

Nature is Rapey

So... I found out a while ago just how messed up nature is.  We are trying to preserve it and save this or that... but sometimes maybe it's natures way to get rid of some animals... like the rapey ones.  Even if it's our fault.  I mean, we are, after all, part of nature too!  When did we become bigger and better than "nature"?  I believe we are still classified as a mammal, not a God or Deity of some sort.

You remember those cute, fuzzy, white baby seals with the giant black eyes?

Yup, that one.  Well apparently they grow up to be big, fat, ugly seals who take unsuspecting penguins and rape them before they eat them.  Sometimes they don't eat them, maybe they sneak off for a cigarette instead.  But most of the time they rape, eat, nap, repeat.  

So you anti-clubbing mammals are condoning the rape of innocent penguins.  Who, most likely, rape and eat some other animal...